Send a letter now

Ok, you’ve purchased an item to be sent to someone. The item will be printed on demand and shipped automatically, arriving within a week or ten days. Unless you also send a letter or email to the recipient, they won’t know who sent the gift. If that is what you want, OK, you are done.

However, you can make this much more impactful with an email or letter to the recipient. If you do it now (it only takes a few minutes), it should arrive before the gift, so PLEASE take time to make this happen now. SEE TEMPLATES BELOW.

Email is strongly suggested for YOUR representative. Emails sent to representatives outside your voting district, are most likely wasted. Many of their email screeners trash any email that is not from their district. NOTE: To send an email to your rep, you may have to go to their official website and use their email form. This takes a little longer but it is worth it.

To contact representatives
out of your voting district, a paper letter, signed by hand, is recommended.

1) COPY the appropriate template below

2) PASTE into a blank document (MSWORD, whatever) or email

3) EDIT for proper names and addresses


You can customize the message if you wish, but please be nice. Be sure to save a copy if you want to be able to refer to it in the future.

NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL? There is a template for that too.

Elected Official Letter Template


The Honorable [First and Last Name]

[U. S. House of Representatives] or [U.S. Senate]

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear [Representative] or [Senator] [Last Name]

I have ordered a Trillion Dollar Coffee Cup to be mailed to your official address. I hope it makes it through the mail screen.

As a voting citizen, I am gravely concerned about the massive national DEBT that the United States has accumulated. We have become a major debtor nation over just the last few years, and this will have a negative effect on many generations going forward. I believe that part of the cause of this is that neither voting citizens nor elected officials can truly understand or relate to the overwhelming size of this debt. As I write this it is passing quickly through 32 TRILLION dollars.

“How many years would it take to pay off ONE TRILLION $$$ (with no interest) at $1.00 per minute?”

Write down your best guess, then divide 1 trillion (ONE with TWELVE zeros) by 60 (minutes per hour), then by 24, (hours per day) then by 365 (days per year). Or visit for the answer. Are you surprised? That is for ONE trillion, not THIRTY-TWO trillion. Please check my math.

I urge you to avail yourself of this opportunity to help your colleagues get a grasp on this issue. A very effective and easy way for you to do this is to gift one or more of them with a Trillion Dollar Coffee Cup to act as a reminder. You can do that with little effort and minimal cost.

Order Trillion Dollar Coffee Cups, have them sent to your home, and then hand deliver them to your colleagues.


[First and Last Name]


Voting Citizen Letter Template


[First and Last Name]

[Mailing Address]

Dear [Name]

I have purchased a Trillion Dollar Coffee Cup to be mailed to your address. It should arrive in a week or so.

At the rate of one dollar per minute, with no interest, how many years do you think it would take to pay off ONE TRILLION DOLLARS ? Write down your best guess, then divide 1 trillion (ONE with TWELVE zeros) by 60 (mintues in an hour), then by 24 (hours in a day), then by 365 Days in a year. Or visit for the answer. Are you surprised? That is for ONE trillion, not THIRTY-TWO trillion. Please check my math.

I am gravely concerned about the massive national DEBT that the United States has accumulated. We have become a major debtor nation over just the last few years, and this will have a negative effect on many generations going forward. I believe that part of the cause of this is that neither most voting citizens nor elected officials can truly understand or relate to the overwhelming size of this debt. As I write this it is passing quickly through 32 TRILLION dollars.

I urge you to avail yourself of this opportunity to help your voting friends, relatives, and elected officials get a grasp on this issue. Let’s remind them every time they enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

The best way for you to do this is to gift one or more of them with a Trillion Dollar Coffee Cup. You can do that with little effort and minimal cost.

Order Trillion Dollar Coffee Cups, have them drop shipped, or order in bulk and hand them out as gifts. Please include any college students in your orbit. They can vote now and soon they will be running the country. By the way, don’t assume someone else will send a mug to your elected officials. The more cups they receive the more they will realize that their VOTERS are concerned about the national debt.

You can order mugs at:

[First and LastName]

